
Warzone Eternal

Created by Res Nova Games

Warzone Eternal is the officially licensed miniatures game of skirmish combat in the techno-fantasy universe of the Mutant Chronicles. *NOTE* Shipping will not be charged at the time of any pre-orders, but will instead be charged later, closer to the shipping date, to ensure as accurate of shipping costs as possible.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Day 2 in the books!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, May 03, 2023 at 07:33:48 PM

With a strong follow-up to the smashing success of the first day of the campaign, we've cleared the first of our short stories, an action-packed story of enduring Mishiman honor, added a collection of waterslide decal sheets that will be masterfully crafted by Death Ray Designs, and unlocked the first big wave of new miniatures. We hope you're already planning on how to expand you forces.

Regarding those Expansion Boxes, we've seen the requests from backers for some way of swapping out the Starter Boxes from their Reward Levels with Expansions Boxes. That's something we're looking into and have a call set up with our pledge manager to determine the feasibility of it.

Up next we have another two new stories, visiting the blasted landscape of Dark Eden with Bryan CP Steele's "Mother May I," and then exploring a disturbingly silent corporate outpost in Cat Evans' "Blackwater West."

We've also got a new miniature on deck, the Brotherhood Redemption Assassin. Long-time Warzone/Mutant Chronicles fans may recognize a certain elite Mortificator from a Paul Bonner classic painting as the inspiration for this miniature, but we can neither confirm nor deny that this is Mr. Crenshaw. What we can confirm is that, with that massive Avalanche handgun, this Mortificator is far less concerned with a stealthy kill than his peers. 

3D render. Design subject to change.

First big miniatures expansion previewed!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, May 03, 2023 at 09:22:26 AM

With the campaign breaking $80,000, we're excited to preview the first set of Unit Expansion boxes that will all unlock as Add-Ons at $90,000. These sets of miniatures will include a few poses found in their related faction Starter boxes, but will introduce a number of new poses, weapon options, or specialist types, depending on the set.

These Expansion Boxes can be used to expand upon a Faction Starter Box, or used as an entry point to a particular faction for those players looking for a greater number of Venusian Rangers, for example, in their Bauhaus force.

While we're excited to reveal all of these models at one time, we've seen the comments from backers looking for a steadier release of new models. Our philosophy in batch releasing each of these was to help ensure that every Faction received something new at the same time, and didn't result in an unequal number of Unit Expansions available for each faction should the campaign conclude between the unlocking of the next Capitol and Cybertronic expansion, for example.

We could, alternatively, stagger the release of these Expansions so that they became available more frequently as the campaign progresses.  Keeping in mind the concerns I noted above, is this something that backers would favor?

Or, is simply previewing some of these models earlier, but keeping each batch associated with the same Unlock funding goal, sufficient?

We'd appreciate you sharing your thoughts in the comment section to this update (easier to reference them then trying to dig them out of the larger comments section).


Alex / Res Nova Games

We did it! Funded in less than 9 hours!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, May 02, 2023 at 07:32:26 PM

Let me just start by thanking all of you for today. We knew how much work we'd put in refining last year's Kickstarter, and truly felt we had a better product, but there's a definite gamble in cancelling a campaign to take another crack at it. But I think today overwhelmingly shows we made the right decision, and we absolutely appreciate all of you affirming that with your support.

With that said, WE'RE FUNDED!!!! Now we move on to more of the fun stuff.

Before that though, one bit of house-keeping.  Our "Skirmish," "Christmas Morning," and "Warzone" Reward Levels all have a Limited Time version as well (the one that shows the Archangel miniature). As I type this update, 49 of you have selected the non-Limited Time version. To make sure that you get a copy of the free Brotherhood Archangel model, please change your pledge to one of the Limited Time versions before that 72 hours run out.

Stretch Goals

The first batch of stretch goals have been added to the "In the Crosshairs" section of the campaign page.  Those include:

A set of full color counters will be added to the back of our rulebook, to be copied and cut-out, and released as a PDF for all backers.

The first of our new Warzone short stories, "5 Whys" by David Voderberg, will be released in PDF format to all backers.

Our friends at Death Ray Designs will be creating a set of 7 different 3" x 4" water-slide decal sheets, one for each of our launch faction, that will be included as $5 Add-Ons upon unlock.

Once again, many, many thanks to all of you. Now onwards and upwards!

Alex / Res Nova Games