
Warzone Eternal

Created by Res Nova Games

Warzone Eternal is the officially licensed miniatures game of skirmish combat in the techno-fantasy universe of the Mutant Chronicles. *NOTE* Shipping will not be charged at the time of any pre-orders, but will instead be charged later, closer to the shipping date, to ensure as accurate of shipping costs as possible.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Backerkit has landed!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 06:41:10 PM

It's here!

by Cormac McEvoy

Sometime shortly after receiving this Kickstarter update, you should be receiving an invite to complete your pledge manager survey from Backerkit.  For those of you new to Backerkit, this powerful tool imports your pledge information from Kickstarter, including your selected pledge levels, any add-ons, and total pledge dollar amount, and allows you to review your pledge, select and pay for additional Add-Ons, and make any necessary choices - such as the Faction Starter boxes you'd like, for those of you pledged at a level that includes such things.

When Is It Closing?

Our intention is to leave the pledge manager open through the Fall, and likely until the end of 2023.  This will give people plenty of time to consider their pledge levels, budget for additional items, and get some demo games in to help them decide what specific items they'd like.  It's only after the pledge manager has been locked that your method of payment will be charged for any additional balances in your Backerkit account.

This is obviously not a definite deadline at this point, but we'll be sure to give you plenty of notice before we hit the Backerkit closing date.

Shipping Fees & Taxes

As has been frequently noted in the past, we will be calculating and charging for shipping much closer to the actual shipping date.  This will allow us to ensure that our shipping rates are as true to actual costs as possible.  We will re-open the pledge manager at that time to allow for the payment of those costs.

While shipping will be down the road, it is helpful from a fulfillment perspective for us to start having a clearer picture of our shipping destinations.  So if you can please make sure to confirm your shipping address at this time, that would be greatly appreciated.

At the same time we charge for shipping, we'll also be collecting VAT Fees and applicable US state taxes.  As Res Nova is a Michigan-based organization, it looks like those state taxes will be restricted to just Michigan residents.  But I'm not a tax lawyer and these things have been a point of change of late, so this may evolve over the coming months as well.

A La Carte Add-On Selection

One of the repeated requests during the Kickstarter campaign was the option of changing the selected pledge level to something that allowed for the individual selection of unit boxes.  We believe we've figured that out, and the success of the smoke test has suggested the same.  

When you follow your survey link to the Backerkit landing page, you have two options:

1. Click the "Get Started" button in green and carry forward with your pledge as selected in Kickstarter; or

2. Click the "Switch your Pledge Level" button in green text (highlighted with the red circle in the image below) to be taken to a screen that will allow you to switch to an A La Carte pledge level.  Choosing that option will convert your Kickstarter pledge amount into credits that will allow you to select Add Ons from the pledge manager.  Please note that, if you make this choice, there's no going back to your previous pledge.  Additionally, while the dollar amount associated with your Kickstarter pledge level will be converted to credits, any Add-Ons you selected in the Kickstarter will remain locked in your pledge manager and will not also be converted to credits.

Given the unique nature of "The Full Hunter" and "Supreme Necromagus" pledge levels, these cannot be switched out to an A La Carte option.  That option will still appear on the landing page for those backers, as Backerkit does not have functionality to allow us to limit which backers are eligible for shipping, but it should not be clicked.  Any backers at that level who are interested in swapping unit boxes for starter boxes should reach out to us directly and we'll make that happen.

What About My Archangel Pilot/Cartel Agent?

Some backers, especially those that choose the A La Carte option, may not see the Archangel Pilot or Cartel Agent, for which they're eligible, amongst their rewards.  If that's the case, don't panic.  Those are things we'll likely need to square up manually after the pledge manager is closed, but, as promised, we'll make sure everyone entitled to a free copy of those models receives them.

And Tell Your Friends!

At the same time the Backerkit surveys are being sent to all of you splendid folks who helped make our Kickstarter a smashing success, late pledges through the Backerkit Pre-Order Store will also go live.  That late pledge site can be found at: 

Please share that with your friends or anyone else you know who may have missed out on the Kickstarter campaign.  Fulfillment of these late pledges will be handled alongside fulfillment for our regular campaign.


A much longer update than normal, but the launch of the Backerkit is a pretty significant milestone.  Thanks again to all of you for your support in this endeavor and we can't wait to play some Warzone Eternal with you!

Alex / Res Nova Games

The smoke clears . . . and the beta rules arrive!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 08:32:29 AM

With only one hiccup, quickly addressed, the smoke test was a success and will be wrapping up shortly. After a morning meeting with our accountant, to be sure that we're properly addressing US domestic sales tax considerations, expect to see the Backerkit launched in full this Wednesday evening (US Eastern time zone).

At the same time, the pre-order store (what Backerkit calls their late pledge manager) will be made available as well. So tell all of your friends!

As promised, we're also pushing out the beta draft of the Warzone Eternal rules, along with the unit and weapon stat summaries for the Kickstarter wave of models, so that those of you looking to make your pledge manager selections with an eye towards army building can better do so. 

Warzone Eternal Beta 

While a beta release, this document reflects a massive amount of effort from our development and playtest teams and, barring the final editing pass and a potential re-organization of content to respond to any usability considerations, this represents the final pre-release state of the rules. Some of you may notice that our two late-add units, the Nepharite of Algeroth and the Cartel Field Agent, are not included in the stat summaries, as they both introduce some new gameplay functionality for which we need more extensive playtesting, but the force lists are otherwise complete. The core scenario builder is not part of the document, but everything you need to line up some proxy models on a tabletop and get a feel for the game is included.

Bryan and I will of course answer questions as we can, and a number of our playtesters graciously agreed to jump in with responses on the Facebook group to help lessen that burden. But I'd ask that you spend some time with the rules to determine whether the answer to a question already exists therein. Undoubtedly we've overlooked some inconsistency along the way, that we'll of course be eager to correct, but I'm fairly confident that we've otherwise created a comprehensive and understandable set of rules.

We hope you have fun trying out Warzone Eternal and look forward to seeing some pictures of the action!

Alex / Res Nova Games

Smoke Deployed!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 08, 2023 at 06:55:28 AM

Hey everyone, the Smoke Test has been released.  As noted yesterday, if you happen to be part of the random 5% of participants, please let us know if there are any questions or confusion.


Alex / Res Nova Games

Smoke Rounds, Inbound!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 07, 2023 at 07:04:21 AM

Hey folks, after several weeks of becoming far more familiar with the guts of the Backerkit system than I ever expected to be, and checking, double-checking, and triple-checking that pledge levels, rewards, and add-ons all appear to be lining up correctly, I'm happy to announce that we'll be launching the "Smoke Test" tomorrow.  For those unfamiliar with the Backerkit process, the Smoke Test is a limited release of the pledge manager to a small number of backers (approximately 5%) so that we can test out the pledge manager's functionality and hopefully identify any issues that can be corrected before rolling it out to the full backer group.

If you happen to be a member of the Smoke Test group, please reach out if you see anything that doesn't appear to be working in the way that you expected.

In response to requests from a number of backers, we believe that we've figured out a way for Kickstarter-selected pledge levels to be switched into an a la carte option that converts the dollar amount associated with the selected pledge level into a credit that can be used to select from the pledge manager add-ons.  Items that were selected as add-ons in the Kickstarter, however, will not be affected and will remain pre-selected in the pledge manager.

For those that selected early bird pledge levels in order to secure a free copy of the Brotherhood pilot, that model should still carry forward in your Backerkit even if you switch to the A La Carte pledge level.  But, as I've noted previously, if we encounter any issues with this systematic approach, we'll manually correct things as necessary to ensure you get your items.

Once the Smoke Test has concluded and any identified issues have been addressed, we'll be able to roll out the Backerkit for everyone and open up the late pledge pre-order store.  The beta rules draft will be circulated at that time.  We intend to keep the pledge manager open for several months, so you'll have plenty of time to consider any add-ons.

Alex / Res Nova Games

Quick Backerkit Update
over 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 07:30:58 PM

Hey folks, just a quick note to let you all know that our pledge manager has been submitted for review by Backerkit and we should be pushing out the smoke test by mid next week.  For those of you new to Backerkit as a pledge manager, the smoke test is a limited distribution of the pledge manager survey to a small number of backers to ensure we didn't miss anything the setup.  There's a lot of moving parts in these pledge managers, and with nearly 60 distinct items in our campaign several eyes on the project were required to avoid any crossed wires.  Massive thanks to our Kickstarter guru, Heather ONeill, for lending her experience.

As noted in an earlier update, we have been informed that Backerkit can facilitate the functionality to allow backers to reject their selected pledge level in Kickstarter and apply their pledged dollars as a credit to select the items they wanted.  I know this was an important option for some of our backers.  The Backerkit review will verify that capability.

We'll have another update soon when the smoke test goes out.

Beta Rulebook

The other item we promised alongside the Backerkit release was a release of a beta draft of the rules and army lists.  Those have been locked down - thanks a ton to the valuable insights of our playstesters - and we're using the few days we have before the pledge manager release to go through this document thoroughly.  This will be a very rough document, with no layout or art assets included, but it will reflect the pre-final edit language.

Talk again soon,

Alex / Res Nova Games