
Warzone Eternal

Created by Res Nova Games

Warzone Eternal is the officially licensed miniatures game of skirmish combat in the techno-fantasy universe of the Mutant Chronicles. *NOTE* Shipping will not be charged at the time of any pre-orders, but will instead be charged later, closer to the shipping date, to ensure as accurate of shipping costs as possible.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fun Fan Art!
over 1 year ago – Sat, May 13, 2023 at 05:34:11 AM

Check out this amazing piece of Warzone Eternal Propaganda Fan Art from the skillful Cormac McEvoy!

Thanks Cormac! This made our day!

We Love Our Fans and Their Artistic Excellence!

It's All About Community
over 1 year ago – Fri, May 12, 2023 at 06:12:33 AM

Hey Warzoners!

So, last night I drove a little over an hour away to one of the best game stores in the Midwest, Saltire Games in Indianapolis, Indiana, to run a demo game where people can come play, learn the game, check out some of the pre-master models, and ask LOTS of questions. 

It was a GREAT success! With a fun game getting played between a Brotherhood Faction Starter and a Cybertronic Faction Starter, with the Light of the Cardinal getting snuffed out (there seemed to be a lot of Dark Symmetry affecting his dice all game!), but it seemed like BOTH players had fun. Considering one player is a 1st and 2nd Edition Warzone veteran, and this was the other player's first foray into Mutant Chronicles at all... it really showed how easily the game system can be picked up, and that it is friendly and fun for new and old players alike.  It was just great to see new players coming together to start forming the building blocks of what will hopefully be a local community of Warzone Eternal players.


Anyone who knows me and my thought process toward gaming, knows that I (and the rest of the ResNova crew) want - almost more than anything - for this game to build friendships, have fun, and make memories around the table. It is about having a strong Community of players, organizers, and even us designers and collaborators all aimed toward bringing a fun game with cool models to game tables around the world. 

I guess what I'm asking, especially in light of some heated topics and conversations here and on other social media outlets, is to think about what you want out of the Community, too. Next year, when we are gathering at houses, game stores, and in conventions for the first times all over the planet... do we want to be able to shake hands, roll dice, laugh, and make stories to tell our friends about, or do we want to ball up our fists and fight about stances, personal taste, and 30 years of various products made by various artistes with various goals and opinions? 

I know which kind of Community I want to foster, and what I will be happy to be a part of. 

So, let's remember that, if you're here and getting this Update, there is a part of you that wants to have fun and enjoy this amazing property - but that we all have to realize that tomorrow's Warzone might not be the Warzone from 20+ years ago, but that all of our goals are ultimately the same: 

To have FUN playing Warzone Eternal with our friends. 

Let's make sure that is our #1 goal, and try to leave each room a little happier than when we got there. 

Thanks for listening folks, let's get ready to break through these stretch goals and see some of the awesome stuff we still have in store for the last 66% of this Kickstarter campaign.

-Bryan C.P. Steele

Saltire Games, one of our retail backers in Indianapolis, Indiana
Bryan is a LOT
Brotherhood Starter vs. Cybertronic Starter!
Stalkers Watching From the Sidelines!
Mortificator vs. Attilla (This ended poorly for the Morty!)
Mortificator vs. Mirrorman Leader
It was a great night, with lots of questions answered!

AMA for Tales From a Professional Nerd
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 09, 2023 at 01:32:32 PM

Alright folks! We are a little over one week in, and man have we been busy! Everybody behind the curtain is blown away by all the support, and we can't wait for you folks to see what else can be in store... in stores? Yeah... ;) 

Anyway, I wanted to go ahead set up a little fun event that goes hand in hand with my vlog/journal/soapbox/weirdness over at You Tube, Tales From a Professional Nerd. 

Using this Update's Comment thread ONLY, I'm going to roll with an hour long Ask Me Anything: Warzone Eternal Edition. Basically, if you have a Warzone-related question you'd like to hear the answer (or as close to an answer as I can legally or knowledgeably give), drop it in the Comments on this thread. When I get to rolling on the episode LIVE this friday, May/12/2021, noon EST... I will just start at the top and start answering until my timer goes off and says I have to go, or until I run out of stuff to answer/talk about. 

Which, if you know me... is unlikely. ;)

So... without further ado...  ASK ME ANYTHING! 

-Bryan C.P. Steele

Week 2 Underway!
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 09, 2023 at 09:06:21 AM

With one week down, we've already knocked out a bunch of stretch goals, unlocking a slew of new options for your Warzone Eternal force, decal sheets from Death Ray Design, brand new exciting Warzone fiction, and, just over the weekend, the ability to add the downed Archangel Pilot objective model to your pledge, regardless of whether you were able to join us during our early bird period.


Looking into the immediate future, our next unlock is for the last batch of Expansion Boxes, broadening the range of models so that each faction has all three of their Starter Box Units represented (Algeroth, always the oddity, already hit that variety).  This includes the much requested Trenchers and, on the opposite end of the spectrum, Mishima's elite Shadow Walker assassins, the Brotherhood's unyielding Fury Elite Guard, and Cybertronic's Atilla weapon platforms.  As usual, higher resolution render images and pricing details are listed in the appropriate faction portion of "The Models" section. 

3D renders. Designs subject to change.

Following this wave of reinforcements, the Kickstarter will be working towards unlocking the first of our narrative scenario campaigns, the Graveton Protocol. Set in Venus' hotly contested (and just plain hot!) Graveton Archipelago, this will be a three part linked campaign of scenarios playable by any factions. Once unlocked, this campaign will be released at the same time as the electronic rulebook as a free PDF to all backers.

Warzone Eternal already has a number of great new pieces of art. While we all love the classic artwork, adding some new pieces was a goal of ours from the beginning. If we hit $140K, we'll be heading back to our artists and adding three new full color pieces to the print version of the rulebook. 


In other news, we're continuing to discuss with our pledge manager the back end options to allow backers to swap Starter Boxes from their current pledge levels with Expansion Boxes. This introduces a great deal of complexity, unfortunately, but we're making headway.

But, the definitive answer is that you will be able to change your plege in some form so that you can select the options you like. This may not be a pledge manager solution, with us instead recommending that backers change their pledge level to Observer or Recon, and then adding on their desired Expansion Boxes as Add-Ons. To answer the inevitable question, if you backed in the first 72 hours and your final pledge is equivalent or higher to the value of the Skirmish pledge, you will still receive your Archangel. Just make sure you change your pledge, as opposed to deleting your current pledge, as it's the pledge number that was assigned to you that we'll reference when determining who fell within that 72 hour window.


A number of you have asked for more information on building a force and more examples of Unit cards. We're working on both of those now, and you can expect a thorough article on foce building to be added to the Res Nova site, and linked here on the Kickstarter page.


Finally, we just got the image below in from Jessie Carlile, who is painting up a few of the Starter Box models. We think these look incredible, and really capture well the Capitol aesthetic. Nice job, and thanks again Jessie!  

Capitol Sunset Striker, Free Marine, and Sunset Striker by Jessie Carlile.

Alex / Res Nova Games

Week 2 Kick-Off Update
over 1 year ago – Sun, May 07, 2023 at 08:41:12 AM

Woohoo!  Overnight we unlocked the Pretorian Stalkers, so Algeroth's forces just became that much more deadly.

3D renders. Designs subject to change.

We've heard that you guys love the models, which is great as we were floored the first time we saw the completed renders as well, but these guys are going to be great fun on the tabletop as well.  While you can include just one in your force, perhaps to full in some available Support Points, as is befitting for their background they perform even better when fielded as a pair.  When you do so, they can take advantage of their Pack Hunter Unit Special Ability, which allows a Stalker to be assigned a second Reaction Counter per Turn, as long as they are within 12 inches of their fellow Stalker.

The Kickstarter is steaming along well, thanks to all of you, and while we're entering that slow down phase that befalls all Kickstarters, we're well-positioned to hit every stretch goal we had hoped for.  In fact, we're currently working with some of our partners to figure out some additional items to add that will help increase the value backers will get from the Kickstarter.  Those discussions are in the works and we'll be announcing the next batch of stretch goals on Tuesday, as part of our "one week in" update.

Additionally, we've heard some consistent requests for a few things, and we're working to address those:

  • Conversations with our pledge manager have begun to determine the feasibility of allowing backers to use their pledged amounts as a credit in the pledge manager to select whatever items they like, as opposed to having to take the items currently listed in their pledge manager.  There's some balancing to do here, as we do have some backers who would prefer to keep the Starter Boxes listed in their reward level as opposed to having to re-pick them in the pledge manager.  Creating options for backers while not creating a hassle for others is the goal.
  • I'm currently drafting a comprehensive explanation of army building in Warzone Eternal that we'll host on the website when it's finished, linking it on the Kickstarter campaign page.  This will help folks get an idea of what kinds of miniatures they may want for their force, including identifying the Dark and Light allies.
  • Of course an army building explanation is only valuable if you have some idea of what Units cost in the game.  We're thus working to release cards for most, if not all, of the miniatures in the 7 Starter Boxes to help provide that context.

So there are a lot of moving parts, as is expected for a Kickstarter, but that means plenty of cool new things to check out over the coming week!

Alex / Res Nova Games