
Warzone Eternal

Created by Res Nova Games

Warzone Eternal is the officially licensed miniatures game of skirmish combat in the techno-fantasy universe of the Mutant Chronicles. *NOTE* Shipping will not be charged at the time of any pre-orders, but will instead be charged later, closer to the shipping date, to ensure as accurate of shipping costs as possible.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Our First Community Announcement From Adepticon 2024
10 months ago – Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 10:32:43 AM

Hey Warzoners!

As mentioned on Facebook and on the WZE Fan Discord, we gathered up some of the Warzone Eternal Community while we were at Adepticon 2024 (in Chicago, IL) to make a very special series of announcements. I wanted to livestream it, but it was loud in the Lounge and my phone is not an ideal video platform. So, I wanted to go ahead and bulletpoint the super cool Warzone news for you all to spread to your various channels:

  • The Fabrication Process has begun! The wheels on the engine of war to get these products into backers' and retail backers' hands are underway. We do not want to chase dates or anything, but we did want to let everyone know that we are happy with the progress so far, and we will be keeping people in the loop as we have more concrete information.
  • By the time backers start to receive the initial production wave, Bryan Cp Steele will make official "Tournament Pack 1" available for tournament organizers all over the world! This first of the Tournament Packs will contain all of the information a TO will need to know to run local "official" Tournament Events for Warzone Eternal... but wait, there's more! Bryan is working with the Norse Foundry to craft *metal* Luna City Credit coins/objective markers!!! These coins will make for amazing prizes at these tournaments, and what's better? They will only cost you a Shipping and Handling fee to acquire them! Bryan is trying to possibly add something else into these Tournament Pack kits... but for now, the coins are the only things we *know* will be part of this play kit.
  • Potentially the biggest announcement in our community-building event was the official "start practicing and start the clock!" announcement of the 1st Warzone Eternal Annual Tournament!!! This will take place at Adepticon 2025, Saturday Evening. Why this is a big deal has to do with what we are offering as our "big prize" at the Annual(s). Apart from some great secondary prizes, the event's big winner will get invited out to eat with Alex, Bryan, and potentially other ResNova affiliates to discuss all things Warzone Eternal **AND** choose one Unit Type from the annals of Warzone history to be designed, developed, and added to the production queue as soon as ResNova can do so! That's right, the winner gets to CHOOSE something from the copious amounts of potential Warzone Units to "jump the line", so to speak, and become part of the game before other options! Always wanted to see the Cybertronic 19th Silent in miniature form? Do you have a deep NEED to get our version of the Doomsday Proclaimer? Win one of the Annuals... make it happen!!!

It was a great night of talking and playing Warzone Eternal with a group of fans and players at the show, and we absolutely look forward to telling you all more about these topics and the ongoing path toward Warzone Eternal's release later this year!

Until then, be sure to grab the Beta Rules latest version and start getting yourself ready to roll some dice, have some fun, and get into the fight!

Beta v3 Rules Released!
10 months ago – Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 11:21:00 PM

It took me a week longer than anticipated, but the Warzone Eternal Beta v3 rules are available here:

Beta v3

Thanks to my copy-editor for their thorough review of the language and to all of the playtesters and backers who provided feedback as we progressed through our publicly-released beta documents.

This iteration represents the final public beta that will be circulated prior to our release of the final print and PDF versions of the rules.  While the text should remain the same between this and those final releases, things like charts, tables, and diagrams will of course be refined and more professionally presented.

But, in the meantime, you have available the set of rules that you'll be playing when the game is fully released, and Bryan and I cannot wait to hear stories about your tabletop conflicts.  If you're coming to Adepticon next week, please swing by the Res Nova booth and regale us with them.

Alex / Res Nova Games

February Project Update
11 months ago – Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 10:59:24 AM

Hey folks,

A few backers had sent inquiries as to the status of the project, so an update seemed like a good idea.  As I've admitted in the past, I'm not great at keeping such dialogue at the forefront.  Neck deep in Warzone production work every day, and engaged with the community through Facebook and Discord, it can feel at times like everyone is fully aware of the status of things, but I realize that's not always the case.  So my apologies to the extent that things have not seemed as transparent as you'd like.

Before I jump into the update, for those who haven't see it on our social media channels, we chatted with KMUW, Kansas public radio, about the playtesting process and the work being done by our Kansas contingent in pressure-testing and refining the Warzone Eternal mechanics. Thanks Kevin and Norm!

By the Numbers

While funding targets and stretch goals are the meaningful numbers when a Kickstarter campaign is active, the numbers that start to appear as pledge managers are locked down and production quantities become clearer tell a more complete story.  So I thought it would be interesting to share with you a few of those.

23910 - This is the total number of miniatures funded by the Kickstarter, late pledges, and Backerkit additions.  It's an impressive number, though it's likely keeping my miniatures production partner up at night!

427 - Not including models like the Cartel Agent or the Archangel pilot, which many backers are receiving as free Add-Ons, this is the quantity of models to be produced for the most selected miniature in the campaign - and it's a four way tie between these rotting meat bags:

1166 - This is the total number of dice, Algeroth and Brotherhood logos combined, that will be going out to backers.

Production Status

With the pledge manager locked down two months ago and additional Backerkit selections charged last month, we have the fully clear picture of counts that have allowed us to move forward with production.  There's a lot of moving parts for a project of this size, but the following summarizes the status of most of those:

  • Miniatures: Barring some final adjustments to the flowing coats of the Bauhaus Blitzers that will cause molding issues, all of the sculpts from the Kickstarter campaign have been refined for production considerations and are in the hands of my miniatures production partner for mold-making.  This has freed up our sculptors to start working on new models, and work on post-Kickstarter miniatures for all 7 of our launch factions are underway.  We hope to be able to show some of those off at Adepticon.
  • Rulebook: As work on refining the miniatures proceeded, I opted to take advantage of that extra time to solicit additional feedback on the beta rules document from our playtest team as well as the larger community.  That has resulted in an even tighter rules set, and Beta v3, which represents the final iteration of the rules you will see until publication, will be shared with backers next week.  This extra time also gave me a chance to solicit additional new artwork, and I'm thrilled to announce this includes brand new pieces from Peter Bergting, a veteran of the Mutant Chronicles universe.
  • Acrylic Counters: These have been ordered from our partner at Muse on Minis, and production is underway.
  • Decal Sheets: These have been ordered from our partner at Death Ray Designs, and production is underway.
  • Dice: These have been ordered from our partner at Q Workshop, and production is underway.
  • Shirts: These have been ordered from our production partner, and production is underway.
  • Digital Rewards: Download codes for Doomtrooper online and the supported STL files for the basing detail set are in hand.  I hope to have those released to backers once the PDF versions of the short stories are ready for distribution.  Those short stories are going through a final editing pass now.


Lastly, for those of you who will be in Chicago next month for Adepticon, we'll be there.  We'll be in the exhibitors hall with two demo tables running all weekend.  As noted above, I hope to have some early examples from Wave 2 to show off in the miniatures cabinet.  And, as Bryan has announced on the Warzone Eternal Facebook page, we're going to have an informal Saturday night meet-up of Warzone fans where we'll discuss our Adepticon plans for the future.  I hope you can join us there.

As always, please reach out to me via Kickstarter messaging if you have any questions.

Alex / Res Nova Games

Backerkit Balances Charged Tomorrow, January 31st
11 months ago – Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 10:41:00 AM

Hello Backers!

Just a quick reminder that, as noted in the last update, any outstanding Backerkit balances (which would generally have been caused by you selecting additional items in the pledge manager), will be charged tomorrow, January 31st.  As stated previously, this charge will be for outstanding balances only, and shipping & handling charges will be calculated and processed later, closer to fulfillment.

As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.

And keep an eye out for next month's updates, as some of the digital rewards will begin to be released and I'll be providing a peek into production.

Talk to you soon!

Alex / Res Nova Games

Backerkit Pledge Charges - January 31st
12 months ago – Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 04:55:41 PM

Hello backers,

As mentioned in last month's Backerkit closing update, any backers with outstanding pledge manager balances would be charged in late January.  That charge date will be Wednesday, January 31st.

Outstanding balances would generally occur because of a backer's selection of additional items above and beyond those selected in the Kickstarter.  If you're unsure of whether you have an outstanding balance, or cannot recall the amount of any such balance, please check your Backerkit account.  As always, if there are any issues or concerns, please reach out to me via message here on Kickstarter and I'll take care of you as soon as possible.

Please note, as has been stated previously, this charge is only for outstanding Backerkit balances associated with selected items.  Shipping and applicable tax charges will not occur until we're far closer to fulfillment and, as usual, prior notice will be given.

Thanks as always, and looking forward to seeing some of you at Adepticon in March!

Alex / Res Nova Games