
Warzone Eternal

Created by Res Nova Games

Warzone Eternal is the officially licensed miniatures game of skirmish combat in the techno-fantasy universe of the Mutant Chronicles. *NOTE* Shipping will not be charged at the time of any pre-orders, but will instead be charged later, closer to the shipping date, to ensure as accurate of shipping costs as possible.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Community Event at Adepticon 2024
almost 1 year ago – Sun, Jan 07, 2024 at 09:50:41 AM

Hey Warzoners! 

The day of the Adepticon 2024 event registry is upon us, and we wanted to make sure that everyone that might be headed to show can be present for a special little thing we're putting together for the growing Warzone Eternal community. 

Without further ado... 

Adepticon is a special show for the Warzone Eternal folks. It is where Alex first met me during my years at the head of Dark Age for CMON, and where I first remember finding true miniature gaming community to be "a thing" that meant a great deal to me and where I discovered my love for good, competitive-but-still-friendly-and-fun organized play to be possible. 

So it is because of this that we are, as the Warzone Eternal Community, claiming the Saturday evening of Adepticon as THE night of nights. This upcoming year's show, 2024, will be the first time we as a community get together at Adepticon to socialize, community-build, and (because the community won't all have the minis yet) maybe get some proxy'd pick up games in the hall! 

The plan is simple: Alex, Jake, Richard, and myself are planning to be in the Adepticon main lounge area to gather everyone around a few spare tables on March 23rd, 6:30 p.m. (CST). We will raise a few glasses, tell some tales, toss out the proper number of challenges, probably go live on Bryan 's YouTube show... and most importantly... Make a very important announcement for the future of Warzone Eternal! 

For all those unable to attend, we're sure the various social media outlets will be talking about it, especially because we know that we have lots of Warzoners outside of the U.S. 

We look forward to seeing you there (or online thereafter) with lots of great Warzone Eternal community building ready to happen!


Res Nova Games (as penned by Bryan)

Pledge Manager Locked
about 1 year ago – Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 07:29:52 PM

Thanks to the many of you who wrapped up your outstanding surveys in time for tonight's locking down of the Backerkit pledge manager.  For those of you who have not yet completed your surveys, please do so.  You may not be able to modify your pledge selections at this point, but I want to make sure you're able to receive the items for which you pledged.

Things will go a bit quiet around here for the holidays, but we can be found on the Warzone Eternal Facebook page for any questions.

As noted before, any accounts with balances will be charged towards the end of January, but I'll provide a couple weeks notice before that happens.

Thanks again to all of you, and happy holidays.

Alex / Res Nova Games

Final Reminder - Backerkit Closes Tomorrow, December 15th!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 02:16:37 PM

One last reminder for those of you who have not yet completed your pledge manager, or desire to make some last minute changes to your selection, the Backerkit for the Warzone Eternal Kickstarter will be closing tomorrow, Friday, December 15th, at 10 pm Eastern time.  Please make sure you lock your pledge in by then, as the ability to make modifications after that point will be limited.

Please see the previous update for further information about subsequent timing for when pledges and shipping costs will be charged.


Alex / Res Nova Games

PAX Unplugged Wrap-up and Backerkit Closes this Friday! (December 15th)
about 1 year ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 10:46:14 AM

Hello backers!

I'm still catching up from our time away at PAX Unplugged, but it was more than worth it!  Three days of demos and chatting with the gaming community is exhausting, but absolutely affirming of how awesome this hobby can be.  

Given that Heartbreaker Hobbies, the company significantly responsible for the launch of 1st ed Warzone, was Philadelphia-based, many of my conversations started with a passerby remarking "Hey, I remember that game . . ." or "My hobby shop hosted the first Warzone tournament in the US!"  So, to some extent, it felt a bit like a homecoming for Warzone. 

Cormac holding down the booth
Closeup of the Graveton jungle.

But, back from the show, work on Warzone Eternal continues.  The revised beta rules document has been circulating for a few weeks, final edits on the short story compilation are being completed, more new artwork has been approved, masters for the Kickstarter models are being produced, and some sculpting work has already started on post-Kickstarter wave 2 models.

For you, as backers, the most pressing update is that BACKERKIT CLOSES THIS FRIDAY!  If you haven't gone in to the pledge manager yet, or need to wrap-up a few final decisions, please do that now.  Once it's closed, my ability to make changes to your pledges will be limited.

To repeat what has been stated before, this is only a closing of the Backerkit.  Charges for anything that you selected in the pledge manager above and beyond the amount you pledged in the Kickstarter will not occur until sometime in January.  You will receive plenty of notice before that happens.  Then, when we are as close to a shipping date as possible, shipping & handling and VAT/local taxes will be charged.  As noted before, freight and import duties to non-US destinations will be covered by Res Nova.

Any questions, as always, please let me know.  Now back to work!

Alex / Res Nova Games

Backerkit Closing, Beta Mk II, and PAX Unplugged!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 10:15:21 AM

Hello Freelancers, and Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate.  Holiday or not, I know Bryan and I are extremely thankful for the support of this project's backers and the continued enthusiasm with which Warzone Eternal has been met.  Thank you!

Backerkit Closing December 15th

While I'd love to keep the Backerkit open as long as was necessary to meet everyone's schedule, at some point we have to lock it down in order to have a firm accounting of the number of items we're producing for Kickstarter fulfillment.  That lockdown day will be December 15th.  With the pledge manager opening on September 20th, hopefully that has given all of you plenty of time to make final decisions about which miniatures will comprise your future Warzone Eternal forces.

That being said, there are still a number of you who have not completed your pledge manager at this point.  While failure to do so will not remove from Backerkit the items you pledged in the Kickstarter, it will prevent you from making any changes to those selections or adding anything additional.  If you have any questions about this process, let me know.

With the pledge manager locked down, we'll also be able to start distributing some of the digital rewards associated with many of the pledge levels.  So look for Backerkit notices of those kinds of items being added to your account.

As a reminder, the pledge manager lock down is not when credit cards will be charged - that will occur sometime in January.  I'll provide plenty of notice before that happens.  Finally, as noted previously, shipping and VAT/local taxes will be charged as close to the shipping date as possible, to ensure we're as accurate as we can be (export fees and freight will be covered by Res Nova).

Beta Rules Updated

With a full two months of community playtesting and feedback, the Warzone Eternal Beta has been updated to version 2.  That can be found here:

Warzone Eternal Beta v2 

In addition to a number of small mechanical changes and revised language, this update also includes full chapters on game scenarios and force building - including a list of unique assets available to each faction.  Barring any changes that come about from our final copy-editing phase, this represents the final iteration of the rules portion of the Warzone Eternal rulebook.  Thank you, thank you to everyone on the Warzone Eternal Facebook group, on the fan Discord channel, and in our playtester group for the constructive feedback that helped us tighten these rules up even further.  Bryan and I are really happy with how the game plays.

Res Nova at PAX Unplugged

Speaking of playing the game, if you're attending PAX Unplugged next week, December 1-3, or happen to live in the general Philadelphia area and can swing by the convention, Res Nova will be exhibiting all show at booth 4256 where I'll be running demos of Warzone Eternal.  PAXU is an awesome show, and in fact is the very first show that Res Nova ever attended to show off a new game, so I'm excited to get back there as an exhibitor.  Stop by to chat, check out some of the prototype models in person, and just generally bask in the awesomeness that is a gaming convention.

Finally, I leave you with a bit of light hearted Warzone fun from our buddy Cormac McEvoy.

By Cormac McEvoy

Alex / Res Nova Games