
Warzone Eternal

Created by Res Nova Games

Warzone Eternal is the officially licensed miniatures game of skirmish combat in the techno-fantasy universe of the Mutant Chronicles. *NOTE* Shipping will not be charged at the time of any pre-orders, but will instead be charged later, closer to the shipping date, to ensure as accurate of shipping costs as possible.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We All Love Warzone
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 24, 2023 at 03:09:54 PM

Hey everybody... in the weeks to come please don't forget that we are ALL Warzoners here, and (unless someone has some truly villainous and nefarious goals) we all want to see Warzone Eternal succeed.   There are a LOT of opinions about how minis should look, Kickstarters ran, game rules designed, shipping handled, etc. etc. But everyone needs to remember the #1 rule in this matter... we are all lovers of Warzone and the Mutant Chronicles.   

In these, the last week of the Kickstarter Campaign, tensions are high as Stretch Goals are looming, and we can hope that things will blow up and we'll get all our dreams fulfilled. That being said, people have every right to speak their opinions about what they think we are or aren't doing right or wrong.   As long as people remain civil, the discourse does not fall to inflammatory claims about ResNova or other members of this group, we can keep discussing the ins and outs of what people believe should be happening.   At the end of the day (and at the end of next week, I suppose), the end result is this: We have succeeded in funding the first wave of models to get into our backers' hands and on the shelves of the stores willing to support the game. That is what we aimed for, and we have demonstrably *succeeded* in that task. 

We, of course, hope that those numbers will grow and solidify Warzone Eternal's foundation even more, but if that doesn't happen... it doesn't cheapen our existing successes here.   All we can ask is for everyone here to try and remember that we all love the Mutant Chronicles and Warzone, and maybe turning our focus to the positive aspects of things instead of lowering ourselves to unnecessary negativity.   

Thanks for listening, and thanks for the support.

Capitol, Cybertronic, & Some Surprises!
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 23, 2023 at 02:09:22 PM

New Faction Overviews

Working our way through the various Warzone Eternal factions, today posts taking a deeper dive into the background and gameplay capabilities of the Cybertronic and Capital corporations, including a sample force build for each, were added to the Chronicles from the Warzone blog on the Res Nova Games website.  You can find them here:

Fame & Profit - The Capitol Megacorporation

Steel & Defiance - The Cybertronic Megacorporation


From our partners at Q Workshop we just received high end renders of the Brotherhood and Algeroth dice they will be producing for us as part of this campaign.  We can't wait to get these in hand.

These dice will be available to all backers as Add-Ons for $4 a piece, and that option should be reflected in backer selections right now.

Stretch Goals & Free Stuff

As stated previously, we've been looking at ways to help increase the value of the rewards for those of you helping us get this game off the ground.  To that end, we're introducing two new stretch goals that fit amongst those currently In the Crosshairs.

The first of these, unlocking at $137,500 (so almost there as of the time I'm writing this), will be a set of STL files containing basing elements to help ground your miniatures in the Mutant Chronicles universe.  An impaled Nepharite's skull, a Punisher blade sunk into the ground and fashioned into a crude grave marker, and the discarded helmet of an Undead Legionnaire are some of the pieces included.  This will be free for all Skirmish level backers and above (and, as discussed in regards to the Archangel, this will include a la carte backers whose total equals or exceeds the pledge value for the Skirmish level).

Additionally, not only will the Q Workshop dice be available as Add-Ons, all Skirmish level backers and above will receive a pair of the dice as well, thereby ensuring you have the correct die handy no matter with which side in the battle between darkness and light you ally.

I'll be back tomorrow with another look-in at a Warzone Eternal faction, this time the feuding clans of Imperial, as well as a glance down the road of future Warzone Eternal development.

Alex / Res Nova Games

The Graveton Protocol and a Look at Bauhaus
over 1 year ago – Thu, May 18, 2023 at 07:40:22 PM

Recently the Warzone Eternal campaign knocked another stretch goal off the list, this time unlocking the Graveton Protocol campaign for all backers.  While the Warzone Eternal rulebook will contain our standard scenario construction rules, perfect for pick-up games or tournaments, we want to dive as fully into the wartorn Mutant Chronicles universe as possible, and unique narrative scenarios and overarching campaigns are the perfect way to do that.  Graveton Protocol is our first foray into this style of play.

Some of you have asked for more information about what this campaign pack includes, so for that I'll toss it over to Bryan for the details:

"The Graveton Protocol scenario pack brings a small, connected, narrative vision to the tabletop for Warzone Eternal. Three narrative scenarios, each playable by all Warzone Eternal factions, lead players through a short series of escalating events set in the treacherous and infamous Graveton Archipelago, deep in the jungle wilderness of Venus. Through these scenarios, players will vie for control over a stretch of territory that has recently come under some scrutiny by the megacorporations… and other nearby powers as well.

Each scenario pits two players’ forces against one another in order to further their faction’s immediate goals, whether they be aligned with humanity’s Agents of Light or performing the machinations – potentially unwillingly – of the Servants of Darkness. The scenarios will combine a variety of different Primary Victory Conditions, point-scoring Secondary Goals, and unique Faction Goals to determine each scenario’s victorious and defeated force.

Fans of The Mutant Chronicles know that even a terraformed Venus can be a very dangerous place with threatening flora, fauna, and weather around every corner. The Graveton Protocol introduces new, optional Venus Environmental Rules for this scenario pack, but we encourage players to choose to use them in their friendly games as well, should they so wish. 

There is more to the Graveton Protocol than just a few Venus-based scenarios, too! Each Faction receives a special Graveton Personality Unit statistic card that turns one Unit from each Faction Starter Box contents into a new and special personality made to fulfil special roles in the Graveton Protocol, but could be used in ANY friendly games of Warzone Eternal. 

From the investigation of a crashed supply vessel in Scenario One: The Skye is Falling, to the eventual standoff around an unholy artefact from Nero in Scenario Three: Lengthening Shadow… players will take their part in the narrative growth of the Scenario Pack, their surviving Leader Units, and more!"

As promised in my last update, over on the "Chronicles from the Warzone" blog on the Res Nova Games site we've started to look at the factions of Warzone Eternal, how they play on the table, and what a sample force looks like.  We kick this series off with the corporation that was no doubt quite sure they were going to be first, Bauhaus.

Pride & Tradition - The Bauhaus Megacorporation 

I'll be back soon, with even more developments to share.  Talk soon!

Alex / Res Nova Games

The Trials of Trencher Dave Continue!
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 17, 2023 at 11:30:14 AM

Hey Warzoners! 

I just wanted to share with you the latest Dark Legion monstrosity that brave, brave Trencher Dave (that has a cadence to it, you know?) seems to be putting up with during this Kickstarter campaign...

Actually, I really just wanted to show everyone the sheer size difference between the pre-masters of a Trencher (Dave, of course) and the Nepharite of Algeroth, who we hope will get unlocked soon enough! 

Thanks for all the support, and marvel at Dave's bravery in the face of such ferocity! 

"I'm not scared of you, mate. Have at you!" - Trencher Dave

Week 3 Update - Algeroth's Generals, Army Building, and Swag!
over 1 year ago – Mon, May 15, 2023 at 09:10:25 PM

With nearly two weeks under our belt, the Warzone Eternal campaign continues onward and upward and I cannot thank you all enough for your support in bringing this beloved universe back to the tabletop.

Next Stretch Goals

Launching into week 3, we're excited to announce the next two targets "In the Crosshairs."

First, we have another new piece of fiction pitting a veteran Cartel agent against an alien enemy she only thinks she understands.

"The Intruder" by Bryan Borgman.

Then, as terrifyingly awesome as the Centurion is, there's no way we were going to leave our Algeroth players without at least some sample of who's really in charge. Standing astride a 50mm base, a horn taller than our Razide, this Azogar-wielding Nepharite of Algeroth is another dark work of art from our own Technomancer, Bruno Garcia (the man who also brought you the Pretorian Stalkers).

3D render. Design subject to change.

Pledge Manager

As promised earlier, we've been working with our pledge manager to determine options for allowing backers to swap the items included in their pledge levels for items included in the Add-Ons. We're happy to announce that a solution has been identified that will allow backers to either keep their current reward level or reject it in favor of an a la carte approach. If a backer opts for the latter, they will receive their pledge dollars as a credit to be used in the post-campaign pledge manager to select whatever items from the campaign Add-Ons they like.

For those backers interested in updating their pledge now to achieve a similar result, you can charge your current pledge to "Observer" or "Recon" and then add on whatever Add-Ons are currently unlocked in the campaign. As long as the final pledged amount meets or exceeds the value of the "Skirmish" pledge, we'll include a copy of the Archangel pilot for all of our first 72 hour backers. Just be sure to change your pledge level as opposed to deleting it and starting over.

Design Blog Posted

Many of you have been asking for more information on how to build a force in Warzone Eternal. To respond to that, the new Warzone Eternal design blog, Chronicles from the Warzone, has been launched over at our relatively bare bones website, Our first article looks at army building at a high level and provides details on the types of roles that various Warzone Eternal Units play in your force. We'll be expanding this series of articles as quickly as possible with faction focuses that will look at the playstyle and build a sample force for each of our Kickstarter launch factions. The first will be up later this week and take a look at Bauhaus. But in the meantime, check out the first of these posts and let me know what you think: Units, Leaders, and Building a Warzone Eternal Force 

Swag Incoming!

A number of you have asked about the possibility of adding "swag" to the campaign - dice, shirts, stickers, etc. Well we're excited to announce that we just wrapped up initial conversations to add two Warzone-themed d20s - an opposed pair representing the forces of Algeroth and the Brotherhood, or any force that may be so aligned. Pricing details to come.

Render. Slight color variation likely.

We've also just received licensor approval to add a Warzone Eternal shirt to the campaign. Featuring the game's logo, as well as all of the factions introduced as part of our Kickstarter, it'll be a commemorative shirt we're excited to show off. Details, including a mock-up of the design, to come.

Even as we enter that slow middle stretch of a Kickstarter campaign, work behind the scenes doesn't slow down. We're looking forward to showing off more of that work in the days to come, including a look down the road for Warzone Eternal.

Alex / Res Nova Games